When you apply for a Canadian credit card, there are many things to consider. So many, in fact, that checking into a rewards plan can easily be forgotten. Taking the time to find a good rewards plan, however, before applying for a Canadian credit card can have a lasting effect on both you and your card. Here are some guidelines to help you choose the right rewards plan.Cash Back vs. Airline MilesCanadian credit cards offer different types of rewards, including the option of cash back or earning airline miles. If you frequently travel on the same airline, you may find solid benefits from an airline rewards card. If you want to use your card for everyday purchases and pay off the balance each month, getting a cash back option may help boost your budget.Earning PointsYou'll also find that some Canadian credit cards are set up so that every time you make purchases at a certain hotel or retail store, you'll earn points. These points can then be redeemed for gift certificates, travel...