There are more and more different types of credit cards coming out on the market each and every day. So how do you know which ones are good ones to go with? Many people like the rewards credit cards as this is a way for you to get something back for the money you spend. There are many types of rewards credit cards with many different kickbacks so it can be hard to pick the best one.When choosing a rewards credit card, you will want to look at a few factors. It is no secret that many banks are jumping on the bandwagon of offering their clients some sort of reward in hopes to draw in more customers. When looking for the right rewards credit card for you, you need to be sure that the reward is something that you will use or something that you need. For instance, you will not want to go with one that gives you miles for airlines if you never travel. You also want to look into what their fees are and their APR. Just because they have good perks, their fees may make the perks not so great ...