Companies who are used to credit cards will not be surprised by all of the different types of credit cards available. Those who are new to the credit card scene may be taken aback by all of the various types of plastic that can be carried. There are multiple types of cards in the financial world that can be processed and run the same. Understanding all of the different types of credit cards possible will help you to understand what to expect. If you are looking for your own debit-credit card, it will help you to understand what card may be best for your own credit needs then you have some different types of debit-credit cards in the financial world.Pay as you Go CardsPay as you go credit cards are the most efficient and responsible credit cards available. These ones force you to pay every single month, but actually pay your entire balance. You must pay everything you owe every single month. If not, you run the risk of incredibly high interest rates that make the card difficult to pa...